Friday 4 April 2014


Iguanas are sensitive creatures , most of them rely on their environment for survival . Caucasians have Iguana as a pet , you have no obligation to actually memperhatikanya and make sure that he is always in the cage .

One of the most important factors in the survival of albino iguanas are the food . So as an owner you should always provide proper food .

Iguana is scientifically classified as herbivores so green leafy plants should be the main menu . Although some people still advocate feeding iguanas with insects and foods containing animal protein .

You may have seen iguanas eating insects on televisions and magazines but research shows that this happens just by chance alone . Like for example , if there is an insect on a leaf on a plant , then an iguana slowly creeping to eat the leaves and insects simultaneously.

Experts and veterinarians recommend that your pet is fed more vegetables than animal protein or insects . This will ultimately lead to better physical health .

Albino iguanas also need water , so be sure to provide water in their cages . When drinking albino iguanas usually dip their heads in water , to be sure also to provide a high container full of fresh water for drinking place . Sometimes they also lick of tiny water droplets from plants to quench their thirst . Water should always be available for your albino iguanas that makes them fresh .
Never feed your iguana with left over vegetables Caucasians as this can cause a disruption in the digestive system . This will lead to illness or even death . Highly recommended to feed the iguana every day and regularly . The ideal time for feeding your iguana Caucasians was early morning usually an hour after waking . Breastfeeding can also be done throughout the day but only in small quantities only. Never feed your iguana Caucasians large amounts before bedtime .
Albino iguanas feed in the morning gives you time to properly digest food before sleeping . In addition , the morning temperature will give your iguana the right environment to digest food properly .

The amount of food that will be given is totally dependent on the size and appetite of your iguana . The main rule here is to feed your iguana Caucasians as long as he wants . This technique will allow you to note how much your iguana can take over a meal .

Food for albino iguanas you have to be at a shallow bowl to be made ​​of ceramic , glass or plastic and must be regularly cleaned . Bowl to be used must be sturdy enough to withstand the iguana and should not have any sharp edges or pointy .

Variety of food is also important to make you feel healthy iguanas . Known Iguana eating a variety of fruits and flowers in the wild so it is a good idea if you also feed them this way while in the cage .

Aside from proper food albino iguana should also have proper lighting and sunlight . Iguana usually get calcium from the sun to help digest their food .

So if you want yours albino iguanas stay healthy and have a longer life , then feeding them the right amount and the right type of food is a must.

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