Thursday, 3 April 2014

The fact sugar glider
The fact sugar glider

Sugar Glider or in Latin Petaurus breviceps is a kind of tree squirrel with a small body size relative to body size of about 24-30 cm with a weight of 4-6 ounces. and because they are often referred to his little pet in saku.Tubuhnya cute face and expression are Unyu-Unyu it would be easy to make animal lover fall in love with him. Marsupial this one comes from the wilds of Papua, Tasmania Australia, Papua New Guinea. Sugar Glider has toes on the hind feet are large which serves to help hold more strongly on the tree branches. And again unique amongst wrist and ankle Sugar gliders are covered with fur or membrane called Patagium. So when his Sugar gliders spread their arms and legs, it would seem like patagium wings that make Sugar glider in the air.

Sugar gliders mature after 2 years for males and for females 7 to 15 months . the females will be pregnant eh pregnant for 14 -16 days later gave birth to half pups , and sometimes up to 3 heads . In the arms of his mother , Sugar glider baby growing up to be able to survive alone .

Sugar Gliders are nocturnal omnivores , actively foraging at night . In their natural habitat they are used to hunt small insects such as crickets and small caterpillars , also the sweet sap of the acacia and eucalyptus trees . And that is why he is called a sugar glider , because in addition to hobby glide from heights of up to feel fly like Batman , they also liked the food taste sweet .

But it is quite funny Walalupun the eater of everything , but he also had a mood like a man who broke ganjing in choosing foods , such as eating bananas tomorrow today does not necessarily want the same food ... naughty Bener hihihihihi yes . So for the daily diet should be no variation and rotation , fruits to choose from including pear , apple , banana , papaya , grapes etc. . While the protein requirements can be obtained from eggs , cheese , pet food ( high in protein and calcium but low magnesium content of not more than 0.01 % because it was feared could damage the kidneys ) . In addition to adequate food , this adorable kewan also need a drink , give them boiled water for drinking .

Well , the most frustrating thing of maintaining the animal was pooped . Sugar gliders dirt will not smell as long as we provide a varied diet suitable and balanced , if the protein content of the food ration is too high , of course the aroma will be the most important menyengat.Yang if foster kewan this one is given a wide and comfortable cage , always care hygiene and animal cage and do not forget to check with his health in the nearest vet .

In Indonesia , this one cute animal has not been as popular as the guinea pig and hedgehog , but lately started a trend there's even talk sugar glider lovers community formed ( wow this must be the impact of the ya paris Hilton who was also maintain these animals ) . Well have thought to start trying to maintain a sugar glider or even interested in following will explain more detail about the animals sugar gliders .
Sugar Glider ( Petaurus breviceps ) is a kind of small marsupial originally came from eastern and northern mainland Australia , New Guinea , and the Bismarck Archipelago , Tasmania , Australia . But it said also that this animal native to Indonesia . we do not know for sure karen number of sources , by the way we move

There are seven subspecies of P. breviceps :

* P. b . breviceps ( Waterhouse , 1839 )
* P. b . longicaudatus ( Longman , 1924)
* P. b . ariel ( Gould , 1842 )
* P. b . flavidus ( Tate & Archbold , 1935 )
* P. b . papuanus ( Thomas , 1888 )
* P. b . Tafa ( Tate & Archbold , 1935 )
* P. b . biacensis ( Ulmer , 1940)

In the wild from their natural habitat , Sugar Glider is an animal that lived in the trees , and often live in groups consisting of 10 to 15 individuals.

These animals are active at night when it is time hunting insects and small vertebrates and certain foods kind of sweet gum eucalyptus , acacia and gum trees .

Sugar Glider named this as he prefers sweet foods and its ability to float in the air , like a flying squirrel .

Age of sexual maturity sugar gliders varies slightly between males and females . Males reach maturity between 3-12 months , while females reach maturity between 5-18 months .

One distinctive characteristic of the form they reach sexual maturity is " his bald head " at the top of their head which is actually the sweat glands .

In the wild , sugar gliders breed only once a year due to climate and habitat conditions while they can breed up to 4 times per year in captivity

A sugar glider female gestation period lasts only 16 days, after which the baby sugar glider will crawl to the mother's pouch for further development .

When I was a baby
Their eyes will remain closed for 12-14 days . During this time they will begin to develop starting to grow feathers and a gradual increase in the form of his size .

Sugar gliders as pets
Unlike many native Australian animals , particularly smaller ones , Sugar Glider is not so threatened population . Despite the massive loss of natural habitat in Australia over the last 200 years , Sugar Glider is protected by law in Australia , where for maintaining these animals is illegal for those without permits , or to capture or sell them without a license ( which is usually only issued for research ) .
Sugar gliders are also known , especially intelligent . But it is not difficult to breed in captivity under the right conditions .

In March 2009 , the animals are legal to own as domestic house pets in the United States but breeders require a special permit and there are restrictions on the sale . However , each of the U.S. cities may prohibit maintenance Sugar glider.membiakkannya . The price is still pretty you know. About a 300 thousand to 700 thousand .


? Mp3 Terlaris
